Earned after beating the ninth brain level of the game. Earned after beating the eighth brain level of the game. Earned after beating the seventh brain level of the game. Earned after beating the sixth brain level of the game. Earned after beating the fifth brain level (and the best) of the game. Earned after beating the fourth brain level of the game. Earned after finishing all three Ford levels. Earned after visiting the Collective Unconscious following Hollis' Hot Streak.

Earned after beating the third brain level of the game. Earned when you beat the second brain level of the game. You'll earn this one when you're given your first assignment in the Motherlobe. Earned when you beat the first brain level of the game. Here are all of Psychonauts 2's achievements and trophies, and how to unlock them. There are a few hidden ones and combat-specific unlocks to keep an eye on, however. Thankfully, most of Psychonauts 2's achievements/trophies will come from just playing the game and moving towards collecting everything. Related: Psychonauts 2 Review - Phenomenal Psychic Platforming We've got tons of guides to help you do that, but now we're deep-diving into the brains of achievement hunters and platinum enthusiasts with this complete accolade guide. Psychonauts 2 is the type of game that is begging to be completed fully.